Cleveland, Mississippi

Copy of PTF

What is PTF?

The PDS-PTF (Parents, Teachers, & Friends) was organized in the fall of 1990 with the following objectives:

  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in the home, school, church, and community.
  • To bring into closer relation the home and the school so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the training of the child.
  • To provide a communication link between the parents and the PDS Board of Trustees.
  • To encourage friends, neighbors, and new families in town to enroll their children in PDS.
  • To support and help coordinate PDS fundraising projects and efforts.

Membership is required of all PDS families. Membership is open to all parents, teachers, and friends of PDS. PTF yearly dues are $20 per family.

PTF meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Westminster Room of the church at noon.

2016 – 2017 Officers

  • President – Candice Fioranelli
  • Vice-President – Brooke Tims
  • Secretary – Heather Walker
  • Treasurer – Deborah Cox
  • Assistant Treasurer – Laura Howell
  • Eagle’s Flight Chairman – Mary Elizabeth Jeffreys
  • Teacher Representatives – Brittany Kirkpatrick, Megan Berryhill, & Ashley O'Neal
  • Past President – Heather Walker

PTF Projects:

  • PDS Western Hoe-Down
  • Teacher Appreciation Lunch each Tuesday
  • All School Apparel Orders
  • Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math
  • RenWeb/Priority Text Technology
  • $250 a year to each Teacher/Special Teacher to buy needed supplies for their classroom.
  • Uniform Exchange
  • “A Night in Eagle’s Country” hosted by Eagle’s Flight
  • Eagle’s Flight Online Auction
  • School Supply Orders

School Supplies:

One of our fundraisers is a School Supplies service, which was started a few years ago to help make it a little easier for parents and children to get needed school supplies required by the teachers. With the purchase of a school supply package, your child has everything needed to start the year without the hassle of many trips to the store. It should be noted that while there is some profit to the PTF, the supplies are bought in bulk and the savings passed on. It’s perfect because the project brings a small income to the PTF while still saving the parents time and money!

Accelerated Math:

The Accelerated Math program is subscribed to with money from PTF and is used in grades one through six. The students are very excited about it and so are the teachers! In the AMath program, teachers have an online assignment book where they assign math objectives for each of their students. The program prints worksheets for each student on each assigned objective. When the work is completed, students transfer their answers to a scantron bubble card and the card is run through the scanner for scoring. Students practice, test, and move on to new objectives within their grade level. The students may also work on objectives at a grade level above or below their actual grade level according to their ability. The program is being well utilized and very well received. STAR Math provides an excellent assessment tool that coordinates each student’s math level within the Accelerated Math program.

Accelerated Reading:

The Accelerated Reading program was purchased with money from PTF. AR is a web-based program and can be easily accessed by teachers and students. PDS students are able to take any quiz in the Accelerated Reader quiz bank. There are over 120,000 available, as of now, and they just keep adding quizzes! An exciting addition to the Renaissance Place software for PDS is the assessment arm of the AR program called STAR Reader. This sector tests a student’s reading ability and recommends a reading level for each student. PTF also funds the AR Store where students utilize their AR points earned from tests scores that can be used to purchase “PDS privilege coupons” for activities including “shirttail out for a day”, “lunch with the principal”, Wal-Mart gift cards, plus many, many more. It’s proved to be a fun way to encourage reading.


PDS T-shirts are worn on Wednesdays and at May Day-Play Day. One event looked forward to by our upcoming “senior” sixth graders is the T-shirt design contest. At the end of their fifth grade year, the students are asked to create a T-shirt design. These designs are then displayed and voted on. The winners are announced in chapel. It’s a lot of fun because the students get to see their own work on hundreds of T-shirts.

Another FundRaiser?

Yes, we all pay tuition at PDS. However, our monthly payments are quite low compared to other private schools in the area. In an effort to provide our teachers and students with the resources they need, PTF holds fundraisers during the year to raise money. Each and every dollar goes back into the school to be used for the students. Some of these proceeds have paid for the Renaissance Learning Inc. program which includes Accelerated Reading, Star Reader, Accelerated Math and Star Math.